
Feel like I’m dreaming, I never thought we would make it to 12 weeks pregnant- let alone naturally. I am so aware how fortunate and lucky I am and wish each and everyone of you healthy pregnancies. ⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ We are officially 12 weeks pregnant, our dating scan today measured us a day ahead 🎉 The sonographer who scanned us was in training and bless her- it took her forever to try and get the measurements. Not that we were complying as it gave us plenty of time to watch our precious baby dance around the screen. ⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ Symptoms:⁣⁣ 🌸 More tired by the end of the day⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ That’s really about it, some indigestion and slight nausea if I get too hungry but that’s it. It’s been a pretty symptom free pregnancy so far! ⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ After our scan I met with our midwife who booked us in for all our future appointments which still felt so surreal. I thought by 12 weeks I would feel excited but the truth is I still haven’t fully accepted this is happening, I can’t quite allow myself to believe that yet. My husband keeps telling me he’s waiting on me catching up 😂 but I’m not putting any pressure on myself, I will get there when I get there- I just hope it’s before my water breaks!! I did however pluck up the courage to cancel our upcoming IVF appointment... I had so much fear and anxiety around doing that, like it would somehow jinx me! However someone else will be able to use that appointment now 💞⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ The midwife went over my previous blood and urine tests and noticed my blood type was B- so I would need to have an injection at 28 weeks against Rhesus Disease ( I have attached some information in the photos rather than trying to explain it ) However, she went onto explain it could be dangerous if there was bleeding during the pregnancy 🙈 I explained I had been bleeding a couple of days ago. Apparently they will not doing anything for this if you are under 12 weeks, but because I was still spotting I was told I would have to have the injection today also! I was then sent home before being called back in at 5pm for the injection, which was fine. I’m also to contact them if my spotting hasn’t stopped by Friday 🙄⁣ ⁣ Continued in comments ( not much 🙈) ⁣⁣ ⁣