I hate that feeling you get when everything has been a bit too "okay" for the past couple of weeks... Just expecting something to go wrong soon. I'm feeling some significant discomfort today. I know I'm stretching so trying not to panic. No bleeding. Still sick as hell, unable to eat much then when I do, chances are still massively high that I will see it again a little later on. I'm so tired. But at the same time so full of energy because I'm not allowed to do much. I'm just glad I have love and support otherwise I would have lost my shit by now. Well and truly. In a couple of days I will be 9 weeks. Then 3 more weeks until we get to see our little double rainbow baby again. 🥰🌈🌈 Love and baby dust to all x #8weekspregnant #8weeks #firsttrimester #earlypregnancy #morningsickness #pregnancyproblems #pregnancyaftermiscarriage #pregnancyafterlosssupport #mumlife #pregnancyafterloss #pregnancyaftermiscarriagesupport #mentalhealth #takingiteasy #growbabygrow #love #hope #doublerainbow #rainbowbaby #familyiseverything