9 weeks! We’re the size of an olive 💞 I’m happy to say I’ve been SLIGHTLY more relaxed this week. As is got closer to my scan today (9w+1) the anxiety crept back in, I also lost my limited symptoms which didn’t help! My husband and everyone else is getting really excited now, the fear they had seems to have left them now but I’m still not excited and I feel so horrible and guilty for feeling that way. I just don’t think I can fully accept that this pregnancy is happening. I’m trying, I really am and I am SO SO grateful to be sitting here 9 weeks pregnant. I’m sure as the weeks go on the excitement will come. Has anyone else felt this way? I can only assume this is part of the pregnancy after loss process. Today we saw a beautiful heart beat and little are and leg stumps, oh an apparently the start of a nose 💞 Also we are measuring spot on for 9w- so we have caught up after measuring way behind last week 🙏🏼 Because I’m a little insane and can get so anxious we are going to book another 2 private scans to see us through to the 12 week mark 🙏🏼 Symptoms this past week: 🌸 Mild Nausea on and off- more so when hungry 🌸 Mild Tenderness in boobs - on and off 🌸 Heightened sense of smell 🌸 Indigestion/ Heartburn For reassurance for anyone out there- these symptoms have come and gone and sometimes vanished completely! Love and Baby dust to everyone! #earlypregnancy #scanxiety #earlypregnancysymptoms #pregnancyafterloss #pregnancyafterlosssupport #pregnantafterloss #pregnant #pregnancy #9weekspregnant #8weekspregnant #10weekspregnant #pregnancyaftermiscarriage #miscarriagesurvivor #miscarriageawareness #infertility #pregnantafterinfertility #rainbowbaby