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I was feeling awful and vomiting a lot, yesterday afternoon it was like someone flipped the switch! Night and Day! I told my doctor this at my morning appointment for Beta#2, she told me not to worry and that I probably had some type of bug instead of it being morning sickness. I’m really hoping she’s right, although it was just like my sickness was when I was pregnant with Everly. I’m 4wks 1day today and I know that’s early for pregnancy symptoms so I’m trying to stay calm till I hear about my beta results. We need a minimum 98 for everything to stay good. If my number is good today they won’t be checking them again till next week. If something seems wrong they will have me come back in on Friday for a 3rd beta. I’ll be waiting another 3-5hrs for them to call me with my results. We are about to have lunch and then Evi will take her nap, this will get us very close to that 3hr mark. Then I think I’ll take Evi outside to play until they call. The hardest part will be when I’m alone while Evi is napping. Please keep us in your prayers, I was so excited when we found out. I really didn’t think this could go wrong, it felt so right, I was so sick, I felt like my hormones were so strong that this baby was also strong. Now that I feel completely normal I’m so scared, I just want the clinic to call and tell me my beta numbers more than doubled and everything is okay! Also with Evi’s pregnancy I had 4 betas in a row, waiting a weeks is probably going to stress me out. Especially if my beta only doubles exactly and not higher. With Evi, her first beta was 30 and second was 61. So she basically exactly doubled, but her third was 137.8 and then 379. Having to wait a whole week is going to be really aggravating. I think after today’s beta result I actually might call my pcm and see if I can come in for a beta on Friday, I’ll need to have one done by them anyways just to get my referral to see an OB after the clinic releases me. #pcospregnancy #pcos #earlypregnancy #4weekspregnant #stickybaby #babydust #pregnancysymptoms #infertility #infertilitysucks #femarababy #triggershotbaby #infertilityjourney #pleaseprayforme #forthischildwehaveprayed