My tummy at almost 10 weeks ❤ Hearing baby's heartbeat a few days ago and seeing baby move has made this pregnancy all the more real 😍 I watch and listen to the recordings several times a day, so happy!!! ❤❤❤ No migraine today, yay! And my nausea is not as bad as most days. My moms nausea would always subside at 10 weeks pregnancy, maybe it's the same for me? Would be awesome! Also: proud to wear my "warrior stripes". My friend calling them that, instead of stretch marks, and saying I earned them as proof for fighting for my dreams, made them cool to me 🙈 I'll probably get many more during this pregnancy, but that's alright ❤ #10weekspregnant #pregnancyafterinfertility #babydue2020 #earlypregnancy #finallypregnant #ivfwarrior #stripesofawarrior #warriormarks #stretchmarks #ivfsuccess #icsisuccess #icsisucces #ivfpregnancy #icsibaby #icsipregnancy #ivfsucces #kleinwondertje #littlemiracle #miracle #pregnantbelly #pregnant #prilzwanger #pregnantafterinfertility #proudmomtobe #wondertje #zwanger #zwangernaivf