[It really grinds my gears] Ever since announcing our pregnancy. We have been bombarded with questions about the ‘gender’. Yes, we will be finding out the gender, we have all of the other times, nothings different this time around. Comments like ‘wow, you’ll die if it’s another boy’ or ‘I bet your hoping it’s a girl this time’ just grind my gears. After three beautiful, healthy boys and two miscarriages, we couldn’t want for anything but another healthy human being, gender doesn’t come into play when we think about this life I am growing inside of me. We are unbelievably blessed that we have been able to fall pregnant again. It will be amazing if we do have a girl, she will be spoilt rotten, daddies little princess, looked after by three big brothers but if we have a boy, wow, will it be incredible. Four boys, growing up together, their own little tribe, they’ll be inseparable. It’s fun to hear what people think we may be having, boy or girl. It’s not fun to hear unsolicited advice and uneducated comments, those can be kept to ones self. I can’t imagine my life without these three BOYS of ours, to think Silas could have been a girl, makes me think of a world without him and I would never want that. Every baby is a blessing 🙏🏼 no matter its gender. . . . . . . . . . . #pregnant #babynumber4 #babyontheway #pregnancy #earlypregnancy #bumpwatch #candidchildhood #mommyandme #parentingquotes #motherhoodrising #motherhoodthroughig #mumswithcameras #joyfulmamas #ig_motherhood #littleandbrave #mynameismama #dailyparenting #stopdropandmom #newborn #our_everyday_moments #parenthood_moments #kidsforreal #littlefierceones #runwildmychild #love #momofboys #motherhoodmoments #mymotherhood #fertility #miscarriage