How to be a feminist mom? That has been a question in my mind recently, as I found out I am pregnant. As I told you in my stories a couple of days ago, we have decided to be open about my pregnancy - even if it means we need to share miscarriage with all the people, too. Becoming pregnant made me want to read Äitikortti, an essay collection by Anu Silfverberg. It discuss modern motherhood and criticized motherhood myths. There are sharp essays in which Silfverberg points out what is wrong with the parenthood discussions. I do disagree with the author at some points, for example when she claims nursing baby is no job - just work that has to be done. It seems it was impossible even for this conscious author to avoid shaming other moms, but all in all, Silfverberg shares great ideas. What book would you recommend for a feminist mom? #äitikortti #momcard #motherhood #feministreads #feministreader #genderroles #earlypregnancy #firstchild #pregnant #pregnancytest #opendiscussion #taboo #bookishcollage #ilovebooks #anusilfverberg #raskaus #alkuraskaus