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Today we celebrate 7 weeks 🥰 ⁣ ⁣ It’s been a rough week, mentally. I’m still struggling with anxiety and this week it was particularly bad. Last weekend I woke up and my only symptom (sore boobs ) we’re gone, this sent me into a spiral which took a couple of days to come out of! So many of you wonderful ladies reached out and shared your experiences with me and advised sore boobs come and go... turns out you were right because 2 days later they were back. ⁣ ⁣ We decided that we wanted to do what we could to keep my stress and anxiety levels down and we decided to book some private scans, the first of which we had last night. Baby was perfect, we were able to see the heart beat again and it had more than doubled in size in a week! She even managed to do it abdominally this time. So for today, I am good. The past few days symptoms have increased which has also offered me some reassurance!⁣ ⁣ 🌸 MILD nausea from time to time ⁣ 🌸Headaches⁣ 🌸Indigestion/Constipation ⁣ 🌸 Sore boobs/large nipples⁣ 🌸 Brown spotting ( which has been there since 13dpo)⁣ ⁣ I’m so grateful to be in this situation, there were times I never thought I would. I’m still caught in that battle between my head and my heart- my heart wants to be full of joy and excitement and my head keeps trying to protect it and reminding me that things are still very early. ⁣ ⁣ Seen some more bfps this week which is great! Wishing everyone luck and baby dust whichever part of their journey they are on 🥰😘🌈⁣ ⁣ #7weekspregnant #8weekspregnant #6weekspregnant #earlypregnancy #pregnancyafterloss #pregnancyafterlosssupport #pregnantafterloss #pregnantafterlosssupport #pregnantaftermiscarriage #miscarriage #infertility #infertilitysucks #pregnant #pregnancy #pregnancydiary #ihadamiscarriage #pregnantwithmyrainbowbaby #rainbowbaby #bfp