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12/13 dpo took a test this morning... big fat Negative 🙄.... my period is 3 days late as I’ve been having 24 day cycles since Mc ... I will re test on Saturday if aunt Flow still hasn’t arrived as my first pregnancy I didn’t get a strong positive until 14/15dpo.. or is my body just getting back to 28 day cycles 🤷🏼‍♀️ // I’m away this weekend until Wednesday so I’m hoping that’ll take my mind off of everything! But if Flow hasn’t arrived by the time I’m back and I’m still getting a negative I’m thinking I’ll make a trip to the Dr’s to make sure everything is ok! // #pregnancy #earlypregnancy #earlypregnancyloss #earlypregnancylossawareness #miscarriage #missedmiscarriage #earlymiscarriage #pain #heartache #heartbreak #silentmiscarriage #miscarriagesucks #tryingtoconceive #babydance #movingforward #opk #test #pregnancytest #ovulationtracking #peakovulation #babydance #letsgetpregnant #babydust #twoweekwait #conception #pregnancysymptoms #pmssymptoms #stickbabystick