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Almost there! So I am about 12 weeks and 6 days pregnant. I know I have a pretty noticible baby bump. I recently had a translusency ultrasound and everything seems good. My baby has nice big cheeks and seems to look big. Not huge just To me baby looked big. I won't be able to find out what baby is until the 14-16th week. Im glad that the 1st trimester is almost over and that I am slowly creeping into the next. Last weekend before I fell down the stairs. I went out for baptisims with the whole gang. I hadn't been out like that for a long time. Considering our families are out every weekend. So we went of to a beach (lake in Canada). It stormed that day then becaming this hott, sunny place and we ate burgars. It was great. We went to the water swam a bit and then headed back to relax in some chairs. It was such a beautiful place. For the first time in a long time I had energy to be present with people. Somewhere in the early evening my Nap time started creeping in and I began doozing off but it was over come when I was fed a yummy burger. So its true as we inch towards the 2nd trimester the groggy, sleepy feeling begins to ween off. Im able to stay awake longer and do whatever I need to do. Baby still kicks my butt for sleep time but baby needs it. However its more like a rythmic dance then a buldoozing of skeep sand. Let me know how your early pregnancy went. - - - #earlypregnancy #pictureoftheday #travelbug #pregnancylife #babybump #latina #innerracialcouple #baptisim #beach #documenting #family #love #foodie #fun #mommalife #mom