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Well this made me laugh! This is currently ME 😂 I need to learn to either not buy tests until the TWW is at the end! Or just put the tests away somewhere other than the bathroom cabinet so I can’t just grab them 🙄.... i should be 7 or 8 days past ovulation 🤷🏼‍♀️going by my peak but who knows! #pregnancy #earlypregnancy #earlypregnancyloss #earlypregnancylossawareness #miscarriage #missedmiscarriage #earlymiscarriage #pain #heartache #heartbreak #silentmiscarriage #miscarriagesucks #tryingtoconceive #babydance #movingforward #opk #test #pregnancytest #ovulationtracking #peakovulation #babydance #letsgetpregnant #babydust #twoweekwait #conception #pregnancysymptoms #pmssymptoms #stickbabystick