Early pregnancy scans We know that it can seem like a lifetime from that first positive pregnancy test until your routine 12 week NHS scan. This is why we offer you an Early Scan in our private and caring clinic to enable you to see your little baby’s heartbeat for the first time and offer you reassurance. During your appointment we will measure; Position of the placenta Measure the amniotic fluid index Assessment the fetus’ growth Establish a current estimated fetal weight Identify and measure fetal heart rate You will receive a report of the scan findings, which will also be fully explained to you, and those all important scan pictures to take home with you. To make an appointment head over to our website using this link - https://northernmedicalwomensclinic.co.uk/booking/ or give us a call on 02894322002. We look forward to seeing you #pregnancyscan #earlypregnancy #earlyscan #firsttrimester #gynaecology #paediatrics #fertility