It’s our booking in appointment tomorrow and I’m nervously excited. The midwife is coming to our house which is a real treat and I’m sure will make me feel a lot more at ease. It’s really surreal for me to be in this position. I keep having thoughts that maybe there’s nothing really in there 😬 and dreaming I’m going to have another miscarriage. The mind is a powerful thing. I’m still taking each day as it comes and praying for the best ❤️🙏🏻 . . . . . #7weekspregnant #7w4d #earlypregnancy #pregnancyafterloss #ttc #ttccommunity #pregnancyjourney #ttcafterloss #recurrentmiscarriage #positivethoughts #hope #firstantenatalappointment #baby #holdontight #holdontightbaby