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Pregnancy Wellbeing Event happening this September in Norwich! . We’re super excited to be hosting the first event of its kind right here in Norwich together with five other small local businesses. . We’re going to offer expectant parents a wonderful insight into various aspects of pregnancy and parenthood but with a particular focus on health and wellbeing. It’s most suitable for those expecting their first baby. . On the day we’ll have goody bags and cakes, together with free mini bump shoots with @jess_wilkins_photography, free mini massages with @mammametime, (both subject to availability) and informative talks from @babyfitnorwich @mammametime @jennifersarah_thebirthgeek @samjames_themumcoach and us, @aboutbirthandbabies . It’s taking place at the Sprowston Diamond Centre on Saturday 14th September 1:00-4:00pm. Tickets are £7.50 and can be purchased via . All proceeds from ticket sales will be donated to a local charity. . We hope this will be the first event of many. Please tag and share. We’d love this to be a sell-out! . . . . . . . . #healthandwellbeing #pregnancywellbeingeventnorwich #pregnancy #wellbeinginpregnancy #norfolkbumps #norfolkmums #norfolklife #norfolk #norwichmums #pregnancyandparenthood #earlypregnancy #firsttrimester #secondtrimester #thirdtrimester #morningsickness #pregnancytest #ivfsuccess #babyphotographer #pregnancymassage #antenatalclassesnorwich #antenatalclass #antenatal #pregnancyyoga #antenataleducation #hypnobirthing #bumpie #mumtobe #firstscan #mumcoach