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Maybe today is one of the first days I started to think, things are going well and this actually is happening... . I am having a baby 🤰 . I was at the dentist as it’s the little things that affect me... but the dentist said I’ll see you in 6-8 months for you next appointment! Then said ‘Good luck with everything I can’t wait to meet your little baby’ . Wow it the hit me in 6 months I will have a little bubba... I have struggled so much with acceptance and thinking positively but today for some reason I walked out so happy and confident my dentist will meet my baby in 8 months time! . I know it’s hard for some of us but positive vibes people - we have been through so much, however now if we have been lucky enough - we have to try and enjoy it 😘 . #shitjustgotreal #realityhits #earlypregnancy #pregnancy #pregnancystruggles #ivf #ivfhope #ivfwarriors #ivfwarrior #ivfishard #enjoyitnow #positivevibes #positivethoughts #infertility #fertilityjourney #ivfstory #ivfblog #pregnancyblog #infertilityhope #ttcjourney #ttcsisters