St. Ives Ikeja 👍👌🙏 . This is why a TRANSVAGINAL ultrasound scan is so important in the early weeks of pregnancy. The top image is a transabdominal scan showing an intrauterine pregnancy and a possible ovarian cyst. The bottom scan is a transvaginal scan showing the intrauterine pregnancy and a co-existing ectopic pregnancy. Although still rare, heterotropic pregnancies are on the increase due to the number of women having assisted conception. It is so important for a scan to be performed by a qualified sonographer who has in depth knowledge and experience of early pregnancy complications . . We thank God for the early diagnosis and removal of the ectopic pregnancy and the ongoing intrauterine pregnancy 🙏🙏🙏 . Well done team 🙏❤️🙏 . #ectopicpregnancy #ectopicpregnancyawareness #heterotopicpregnancy #transvaginalultrasound #experts #earlypregnancy #ivf #assistedconception #sonography #letssavelives #savinglives#heterotopicpregnancy #life #ivfsuccess #ivfjourney #fertility #fertilityjourney