The challenges on a daily basis from infertility, then IVF and finally early pregnancy are like climbing a mountain 🏔 . The struggles are real, the challenges we face on the way we question is it worth it... BUT once you have got to the top and are experiencing the views, all the hard times fade into the background! . Happy Friday everyone - keep climbing 🧗♀️ it will be worth it! . #ivf #ivfuk #ivftaughtme #strugglesbuildstrength #earlypregnancy #ivfjourney #ivfsuccess #ivfpregnancy #ivfsupport #ivfwarrior #ivfsisters #infertility #infertilitychallenges #fertilitystory #ivfisworthit #ttc #ttcuk #ttcwarriors #ttccommunity #ttcjourney #ivfstrongertogether #ivfstrong #womensupportwomen