Thank you @aboutbirthandbabies for sharing the video of our new Mulberry Room set up for your monthly Free Early Pregnancy Class. We look forward to welcoming you back on Monday 19th August. #Repost @aboutbirthandbabies with @get_repost ・・・ 🤰🏻Great to meet all the expectant parents at our Early Pregnancy Class on Monday evening. We were in the lovely new Mulberry Room @rowanhouse. There’s a lot of improvements going on in the Centre at the moment. Not that you’d really know it. It’s all happening behind closed doors but I peeked through and it’s going to be fabulous! Our next FREE Early Pregnancy Class will be held on Monday 19th August 19:30-21:30. Email info@aboutbirthandbabies if you’d like to join us. . . . . . . . . . #earlypregnancy #pregnancytest #pregnancylife #pregnancysymptoms #firsttrimester #ivfsuccess #ivfpregnancy #honeymoonbaby #theblueline #whattoexpectwhenyoureexpecting #pregnant #bumpie #norfolkmums #norwich #hethersett #wymondham #attleborough #mumtobe #mummytobe #birthpartner #antenatalcare #antenatalclassesnorwich #antenatalclass #firstscan #norfolklife #morningsickness #pregnancyannouncement #pregnancyandparenthood @rowanhouse @pregnancy_and_parenthood @aboutbirthandbabies