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Attended my first pregnancy yoga πŸ§˜β€β™€οΈ session today - felt scared and anxious as we did introductions but made it real, which is starting to sink in! . Then in relaxation, the teacher read out this awesome poem which meant so much and brought a couple of tears to my eyes... it’s been a long journey but I need to start embracing and enjoying it... . Happy Saturday 😘 . #earlypregnancy #ivfjourney #mumtobe #ivfstory #ivfblog #ivfhope #embracinglife #tearsfearsbabydreams #tears #fears #babydreams #iamnotalone #pregnancy #pregnancypositivity #infertilityhope #ivfwarrior #infertilityjourney #fertility #fertilitystory #thinkpositive #positivevibes #ivfsisters #pregnancyyoga #yoga