Currently 6weeks + 2. I have another scan in a week to see if there's a heart beat. A viable pregnancy. I'm so nervous, scared and fragile. My nausea is dreadful, headache and breast pain like never before. I've had light to mild spotting on and off now, every time it's heavier or darker I worry, despite being told it's OK. Last time this happened I miscarried, I hope it's OK. All I can do is hope 🤞🤞🤞🤞 #pcos #fertility #accupuncture #pcosdiet #pcoslifestyle #fertilityacupuncture #leanpcosladies #leanpcos #fertilityuk #fertilityfood #infertilitysucks #pcosuk #periodproblems #seedcycling #ttcuk #ttc #earlypregnancy #leanpcosuk #naturalpregnancy