A woman is at greatest risk for developing preeclampsia on her first baby, and there’s a few different reasons for this. And your chances for getting it in the future, after having it on your first, depend on a few factors, like how early on in the pregnancy did you develop it and how severe of a case did you have. But your question is if you didn’t have it with your first, are you likely to get it in future pregnancies? And that’s an excellent question. Generally speaking, if a woman didn’t have it with her first, then she’s not very likely to get it in the future, but there are factors that, over time, can increase your chances of getting it. One is advanced maternal age. So the older you get, the more likely you are to have it. Another factor is obesity. And the older we get, the more likely we are to have a few extra pounds, and this is compounded by having babies that are closer together. You want to make sure that you’ve been able to lose that baby weight before you get pregnant again. And along those lines, research has also shown that if a woman goes 10 years or more in between pregnancies, then she’s at greater risk for preeclampsia. Also, we know that the father plays a role in the chances of a mother developing preeclampsia. You are at just as high of a risk of getting it in a future pregnancy if you have a new partner as you were with your first. In other words, every time you conceive with a new father, your chance of preeclampsia is just as high as it was with your first pregnancy. If you have more specific questions about your circumstances, talk with your doctor, and they’ll be able to give you tailored information and advice. And if you have more questions in the future for me, feel free to ask them on our Intermountain Moms Facebook and Instagram pages, and recommend us to your friends and family too.