As a mom, I would love to know what it feels like to be a dad. Who better to ask than Patrick himself! Tonight’s blog will give us a little insight into Patrick’s world: how he felt when he became a dad and the emotions he feels when we get negative pregnancy tests ✨ launching at 9pm tonight on our website (link in bio) . . . One thing I can tell you is that this was very hard for him. It took me days just to get him to agree to sit down and have a conversation with me about it; and then when the conversation would start he would change the topic or find something else to distract us. Although I didn’t get as much as I would like from him to help me understand the dad perspective, I got a little so this will be Volume 1, with Volume 2 still to come in the near future ✨ . . . #dadsperspective #beingadad #dadssupportingdads #familyblog #ttcblog #ourstory #mytinytribe #raisingafamily #honesty #ttc #ttccommunity #lifeasadad #dad #daddyslittlegirl #conception #earlypregnancy #pregnancy #growingalicandros #mynameisdad #rawfeelings #blogger