I’ve heard anxiety described before as fear for the future or obsession about something that might or could happen. And a certain level of anxiety and fear is normal for all of us. It drives us to act and to do something about certain things. And in some cases, this fear and anxiety helps us to protect ourselves. But in other cases, it can be paralyzing and affect our ability to function. Instead of moving us to action, it paralyzes us, and it may almost feel like we’re frozen, we might have panic attacks, and it may just lead us to obsess about something in particular and to avoid everything else in our life. We’re more prone to anxiety when we’re overly stressed, or if we’re overly tired, and if we’re angry. So if you experience a little bit of anxiety, stop what you’re doing and take some big, deep, mindful breaths in and out. You can’t underestimate the power of mindful breathing. And also consciously relax your muscles. You might find that your neck is tense or that your body, just in general, is tense. So take some deep breaths, and try to relax your body, and examine your situation. Is there something you need to let go of? Is there a circumstance that you need to remove yourself from? If you have basic needs that need to be met, then do what it takes to fulfill those needs, like take a nap if you’re tired. Or if you’re hungry, then make sure you have a good meal. Maybe you’ve just been running faster than you have strength for a while, and you’ve just been overly stressed, and need to let go of some things in your life, and recharge for a minute. And that’s okay, and we all need to do that every once in a while. Also take note of your thoughts. Are they rational or are they irrational? For example, maybe you’ve been having anxiety about your child being in danger. And a rational thought would be experiencing anxiety over your child about ready to lean over a window well, and you’re seeing that happen from the other side of the yard, and you run over as fast as you can to save them from danger. That’s a rational type of anxiety. It moved you to action and it’s necessary to save your child from that. An example of an irrational anxiety or fear would be watching videos of kids falling off slides, and obsessing about it so much, and not allowing your child to play on age-appropriate playgrounds, because you’re afraid that they’re going to get hurt. That’s inhibiting you and your child. If you feel like the anxieties and fears you’re experiencing are intense enough that they are immobilizing you and affecting your ability to function, or you’re experiencing panic attacks, then I suggest talking with your doctor about it. Be open and honest about your thoughts and feelings so that they can help you. Based on their conversation with you, they’ll be able to determine if intervention is warranted in the form of medication and/or therapy. They can also talk with you about other things you can do to help manage the anxiety that you’re experiencing. Good luck with everything, and if you have more questions in the future for me, feel free to ask them on our Intermountain Moms Facebook and Instagram pages, and recommend us to your friends and family too.