Using cannabis š for morning sickness š¤¢ is becoming more common now that cannabis is becoming legalized.Ā This past June, results from a study was published in the Journal of the American Medical Association following over 661,000 women and evaluating outcomes related to cannabis use during pregnancy. . . The researchers found that women who used cannabis productsĀ had a pre-term birth rate of 12.0% versus 6.1% among women who did not report using cannabis. Cannabis use was also related to a higher rate of NICU stays and small forĀ gestational age (SGA). Among women who reported use of cannabis but no other substances, the rate of preterm birth was 9.1% compared with 5.9% among women who reported no use of substances. Ā doi:10.1001/jama.2019.8734. . . Moral of this story: cannabis use appears to increase chances of not-great pregnancy outcomes. . . So these results are based off of one study, and I know there are other clinicians who recommend CBD during pregnancy. I have a list of tips that I lean on for my pregnant and š¤¢ clients (link in bio). Anyone have thoughts on cannabis during pregnancy š¤° ?Ā I'm trying to learn it all!